

Few last words from me ...

Our summer trip is over. We had rolled around 10 000km from Barcelona (Spain) to Valka (Latvia) and visited 20 countries on our way. 

About 2500km we did on bikes

Unfortunately my phone got stolen in Prague together with statistics files...  so i cannot say precisely how much money we managed to collect for the project! The number is something around 700eur + 350 euros from last year. All together enough to get bikes for all the kids!

Beyond The Borders crew and Naminš Ripo crew is saying big thanks to everyone who got involved into this project!!! Every organizer of the shows around the Europe, every person who came to support our idea financialy or in any other way, our friends around the Europe!!! Everyone who gave away his old bike for the kid, every organization that supported our dream.

Without your support it would be impossible to make this come true!