

Hell-o! Rock'n'roll! 

So this is a simple calculation of distance that we'll have to cover on bikes between venues (provided by G-maps). We'll travel +/- 100km per day, not too fast not too slow, enjoying june in France, hopefully good weather and relatively not so good road pavement. (Beter than in Latvia though :DDD)

Barcelona - St Affrique (8th june) 372km  - 4 days
St Affrique - Villefranche-de-Rouergue (10th june) 107km - 1 day
Villefranche-de-Rouergue - Toulouse (15th june) 114km - 1 day
Toulouse- Avignon 326km (21st june) - 3/4 days
Avignon- Home? 443km 5 days

Total: 1362km

If we find some gigs on the way, the calculations might change. Guy if you are on our route and willing to help us with a gig, accommodation, cycling company on the road, guide in city/town/village, here's our contact:


PS New BTB album out for free download by the end of the week!